Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Place-Based Education and it's Benefits

What is Place-Based Education? 
Place-Based Education is an approach to education that immerses students in their communities/surroundings for the study of math, language arts, social studies, science and more. In other words, this type of education encourages teachers to get students out of the classroom and into their communities to learn. This type of education fosters student's connections to various places and makes "the wall between school and the community become much more permeable".

The Benefits of Place-Based Education:
Some may ask, why turn to this type of education? Why not keep the kids in the classroom and stick to a textbook? Is it really necessary to have the kids go out into the community to learn? To answer these types of questions, let's look at the benefits of place-based education.

(1) Place-Based Education Energizes Teachers: 
A second grade teacher in Hanover, New Hampshire took a year long program on how to use place-based education. Through her experience, she gained confidence in her leadership skills. In addition she was inspired and energized to use the 32 acre-forest behind the school as a learning ground for her students. The teacher has become inspired by place-based education and has encouraged other teachers in her school to turn to this practice. Currently, her school has re-arranged their curriculum to use the forest as the ground for learning. This type of education gave her the push to strive for change and continue to grow her knowledge as an educator.

(2) Place-Based Education Transforms School Culture:
Dennis C. Haley Elementary School in Roslindale, MA has become a whole new place due to place-based education. Students have utilized the school-yard and a local nature center. Through this, they have created gardens, analyzed insects, studied weather patterns and more. The teachers see the students becoming more motivated and thinking critically. They are truly becoming scientists and observers.  Students and teachers have developed a new passion for learning science. This school has become a top choice for students in the Boston area. The school is beginning to flourish due to place-based education.

(3) Place-Based Education Helps Students Learn:
Through research, students in place-based education seem to be outperforming their non-place-based peers. In other words, those who have been exposed to place-based education are consistently out-performing peers who have NOT been exposed to place-based education. Students that have been exposed to place-based education have become increasingly engaged and enthusiastic about learning. As place-based education exposes them to more experiences and more places, they are becoming enthusiastic for the material they are learning. There is a correlation between place-based education and academic achievement.

(4) Place-Based Education Connects Schools and Communities:
This type of education allows students to go out into the community and explore. By doing this, students are becoming active members in the community. Therefore, the wall between school and the community is broken down. Students bring up issues to community leaders that have been ignored. Therefore, students are helping make the community a better place.

(5) Place-Based Education Encourages Students to become Environmental Stewards: 
Allowing the students to go outdoors and explore issues in their local environments, makes them more environmentally aware. By doing research and studying various environmental issues, students become more mindful of the environment. In today's society, we are deeply involved in consumerism. We are destroying the Earth and using all of our natural resources. Therefore, this type of education can produce the change that this planet needs. We need people who are aware of the importance of the environment and who will protect it. This type of education allows students to have a deeper understanding of nature and the environment.

(6) Place-Based Education Invites Students to become Active Citizens: 
Young generations are the future of our society and our country. Therefore, it's important to allow children to assert that they are citizens as well. Place-based education allows students to have the opportunity to "share their knowledge, perspectives and insights with regard to important community issues". It is training them to become good citizens in the future, and to voice their opinions and contribute to the greater good of society.

Place-based education allows students to create their own knowledge. Students become more engaged, motivated and begin to think critically. It gets students out of the classroom and exposed to relatable, real-world problems.

The Benefits of Place-Based Education

Place-Based Education

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