Monday, March 31, 2014

My Educational Philosophy

After reading and learning about educational philosophies, I wondered, what is my philosophy? In trying to find the answer, I took a quiz about educational philosophies. The point of this quiz was to allow me to see which philosophy I rated most highly in. It turns out, as no surprise to me, I rate most highly in the HUMANISM philosophy of education.

This was NO surprise to me, because as I researched and read about educational philosophies, I connected most with the humanism philosophy. I don't view my students as "information processors", they aren't computers and I could never compare them to one. In addition, I don't see my students as lab rats whose behavior can be shaped by rewards and punishment. Instead, I see my students as having the potential to become the best they can.

As I was reading about humanism in my textbook, I came across a quote I really liked. The quote is, "...young children should be taught with kindness and gentleness. Children are to be nurtured, not scolded or abused". I believe that EVERYONE is inherently good. No one is born with inherent thoughts to hurt or harm, that comes from their environment. Any "bad" qualities a student may have, are most certainly learned through experience.  Therefore, a teacher's job is to create a nourishing and encouraging environment to emphasize and bring out the good of the students.

What I value the most is that, "there is a natural tendency for people to learn". All a teacher needs to do is BELIEVE in the students. I truly believe a person is biologically programmed with the desire to learn. However, a student will only learn if a teacher provides a nourishing, caring and supportive environment. There is an unlimited amount of potential for students, it's up to the teacher to create an environment that will support and guide that potential. Student's can't learn on their own, if they could, a teacher wouldn't be needed. It's important to recognize that student's have the desire to learn, and it's the environment a teacher creates that is ESSENTIAL to their learning.

In the future, I will do my best to create a fear-free, encouraging environment for my students. A student's emotional well-being is critical in terms of their learning. I believe students will do their best in a safe, caring environment. Each of my students has an unlimited amount of potential, and I promise to strive to get them to reach their full potential. I will eliminate any bias I may have towards my students, because I know they can grow and change. My classroom will be a judgment-free zone, that will allow the students to feel comfortable. I truly believe that I can bring out the good in my students, by showing them how much I care for them. This philosophy really touches upon all my values I hold as a future teacher. I would recommend anyone to take the self-assessment quiz to learn about their philosophy as a teacher.

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